هو 121

لا إكراه في الدين قد تبين الرشد من الغي فمن يكفر بالطاغوت ويؤمن بالله فقد استمسك بالعروة الوثقى لا انفصام لها والله سميع عليم

Experience working with Mainframe and PC computers with different operating systems and programming languages and databases and various computing projects and computer web design since 1979

Computer Experience

Working with PC and Mainframe computers with different operating systems from 1979 to present.

  • Operating Systems:
    • Mainframe: MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage)
    • Mainframe: OS/VS (Operating System / Virtual System)
    • PC: MS-DOS (MicroSoft Disk Operating System)
    • PC: OS/2 (Operating System 2)
    • PC: Windows (all versions)
  • Proficient in Languages:
    • FORTRAN (FORmula TRANsformation)
    • BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) Language
    • JCL (Job Control Language)
    • HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
    • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
    • Joomla (CMS) Web Design
    • Wordpress (CMS) Web Design
  • Computer Projects:
    • Converting the software package code from Univac-TSP to IBM-TSP with 18,000 lines of Fortran and assembly programs.
    • Inventing and coding the fastest L1 Norm simple regression algorithm in Fortran.
    • Inventing and coding the fastest L1 Norm compound regression algorithm in Fortran.
    • Integrated system of national accounts of Iran in Excel.
    • Integrated system of Iran's balance of payments in Excel.
    • Integrated system of Iran's monetary accounts in Excel.
    • Integrated system of the government's general budget in Excel.
    • Database of daily foreign exchange rates in Excel.
    • Database of Iran's macroeconomic statistics in Lotus.
    • EconData software for Iran's macroeconomic database in FoxPro.
    • Programs for shock analysis, forecasting, and statistical evaluation of econometric models in EViews.
    • Analytical database of Abyek Cement Factory in Excel.
    • Financial structure analysis program for Ahvaz Rolling and Pipe Company in Excel.
    • Five-year production program for Ahvaz Rolling and Pipe Company in Excel.
    • Program for calculating the cost of goods sold for Ahvaz Rolling and Pipe Company in Excel.
    • Designing and implementing the website of Sufism in Iran www.sufism.ir
    • Designing and implementing the personal website www.bidabad.ir
    • Managing the design and implementation of the website for Tabandeh Co-Philanthropy www.madadkari.org
    • Hundreds of application programs in various computer languages.
  • Proficiency in statistical, mathematical, computational, spreadsheet software and packages, such as:
    • LinPack (Linear System Package)
    • MathCAD (Mathematical Computer Aided Design)
    • MATLAB (Mathematical Laboratory)
    • Micro-TSP (Time Series Processor for personal computers)
    • MPSX (Mathematical Programming System Extended)
    • MS-Office (Microsoft Office)
    • SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences for mainframe computers)
    • SPSS-pc (Statistical Package for Social Sciences for personal computers)
    • SSP (Scientific Subroutine Package)
    • StatGraph (Statistical Graphic System)
    • TSP (Time Series Processor for mainframe computers)
    • TSP-386 (Time Series Processor for personal computers)
    • E78+ (Terminal Emulation Program)
    • EinPack (Eigen System Packages)
    • EViews (Econometric Views)
    • ISPF (Integrated System Programming Facility)
    • Adobe Suite
    • ABC-Flowchart
    • Mainframe utilities